Who We Are
Founded in Japan in 1912, JTB was established to serve
business and leisure travelers worldwide.

Expanding JTB's
Exchange Creation Business Globally
Our area of expertise, known as the "Exchange Creation Business," revolves around providing distinctive solutions unique to the JTB Group, establishing diverse exchanges across the globe that ignite enthusiasm and empathy among our customers.
In our Global Business, we will continue to create new opportunities for global exchange by spanning across Tourism Business, Area Solutions Business, and Business Solutions Business.
*Exchange of human flow, material (product) flow, information flow, financial flow, and information flow.
JTB Global Network of
159 offices
in 82 cities in 35 countries/region
We have divided the world into 7 regions and established the regional headquarters in Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Americas.The remaining 4 regions (China, Korea, Micronesia, and Tokyo) were designated as regional business companies to manage global operations.
Learn About Our NetworkTourism as a Vehicle for Socioeconomic Development
For more than 110 years, the JTB Group has contributed to social and economic sustainability
by aligning its activity with the needs of the times.
Tourism as a Vehicle for Modernization
As Japan hurried to establish its place among the community of nations after opening its doors in the second half of the 19th century, inbound tourism was heralded as a vehicle for acquiring foreign currency, promoting the development of the domestic economy, and fostering an understanding of Japanese culture. Japan Tourist Bureau was formed to pioneer the way forward. This pioneering spirit continues to guide our vision and values today.
Expanding the Industry's Frontiers
During Japan's period of rapid economic growth in the mid-late 20th century, JTB powered the expansion of the domestic travel industry by pioneering and popularizing the package tour. JTB further expanded the envelope of domestic travel and tourism through educational tourism, health tourism, and other groundbreaking initiatives.
Creating the Future of Tourism
With the endorsement of the Japan Tourism Agency, JTB personnel have supported the efforts of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) since 2014. In March 2022, JTB executed a groundbreaking Memorandum of Understanding with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). Through these and other international partnering efforts, the JTB Group has emerged as a catalyst for change in the global travel and tourism industry.
Global Sustainability